Coastal TVET College Online Application 2024/2025

Coastal TVET College will start accepting applications for the second semester of the 2024 academic year, so if you are a matric student who wants to study at this institution, you should apply on time. The application window is going to open on 1 March 2024 and will close in May 2024.

Coastal TVET College is well known for catering for adult learners, unemployed and employed by local industry, out of school youth, project linked trainees ranging from learners with a low academic background to those who have had opportunities to enhance their educational level.

This article will help you with your application to Coastal TVET College by providing you with information about the application process, its eligibility requirements, how to apply to the college, documents to be submitted, and how to track your application.

Qualifications Offered at Coastal TVET College

1. National Certificate Vocational (NCV)
The National Certificate (Vocational) is offered at levels 2, 3 and 4 of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Each level takes a full year of study. A student is required to take a total of 7 subjects per level. Entry requirement: Grade 9 or higher. Registration: January Only

2. Nated Programmes (Report-191)
NATED programmes are delivered under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education
and Training and quality assured by Umalusi. These programmes are offered in both Engineering and Business Studies. Engineering is offered as trimester courses (3 months per level) and Business Studies as semester courses (6 months per level).

NOTE: A National Diploma (M+3) qualification is awarded to students who have completed their N6 in a specific field and have completed a relevant 18 months (Business Studies) or 24 months (Engineering Studies) in-service training with the organization of their choice.
• Engineering Studies
Entry requirement: N3 or Grade 12 with Maths, Physical Science or Technical Drawing, each with a minimum pass rate of 40% (Achievement Level 3)
Registration: January, May & August.
• Business Studies
Entry requirement: N3 or Grade 12. Registration: January & June.

3. Skills Programmes
We also offer a range of skills programmes. These programmes are mainly practical based and certification is done by the college unless otherwise specified.

See Also: TVET College Courses You Can Study Without Matric

How to Apply to Coastal TVET College

  1. Visit the college website
  2. As a new student, you have complete the placement test, so click the blue button
  3. After completing the test, go back to the home page
  4. click the “application for new students”
  5. Complete your application

Bear in mind that you will be required to submit copies of some important documents (listed below) and pay a registration fee.

Required Documents

  • Certified copy of latest school report/statement of results/Grade 12 or N3 certificate.
  • Six certified copies of Applicant’s ID
  • Two certified copies of the Parent/Guardian’s ID
  • One ID-size photo of the Applicant

How to Check Application Status

After your application, you will need to wait for at least 3 months for the management of Coastal TVET College to properly vet your application. If you have been successfully selected for admission, you will be notified through the Email address you used to register.


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