How To Check Your NSFAS Application Status in 2024

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is an organization that provides bursaries for students that are enrolled in public universities, and Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) colleges. After applying, you will have to check the status of your NSFAS application.

This post is a comprehensive guide on how to check your NSFAS status. Let it be noted that to be considered for this application, you have to apply for the NSFAS bursary. after a month of applying, follow the steps below to check its status.

How to Check The Status of Your NSFAS Application

  1. Log in to myNSFAS Student Portal
  2. Tap on myNSFAS on the navigation tab
  3. Input your ID number and Password in the correct spaces
  4. click the ‘Login’ button
  5. Navigate to your NSFAS Dashboard
  6. Tap on ‘Track Funding Progress’

Once you have gotten to this stage, you will meet a status which has a meaning. I don’t know what your status will be, but I have highlighted the meaning of all the possible statuses below.

NSFAS statuses and what they mean

  • Application Submitted: NSFAS has verified your application.
  • Filtering: The system is checking your present and previous qualifications.
  • Validation: NSFAS is conducting third-party checks with SASSA and the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Evaluation: NSFAS is verifying all the documents you have submitted during your application.
  • Funding Eligibility: NSFAS is verifying your household financial status that was declared in your application.
  • Awaiting Academic Results/Admission: NSFAS is checking your academic results and your institution’s admission status to ensure that you meet their requirements.
  • Awaiting Registration: NSFAS is receiving data from your institution to enable them to create a bursary agreement.
  • Signing Of Agreement: At this stage, you need to sign your bursary agreement so that NSFAS can disburse your allowances.
  • Payments: Your allowances are now being paid either through the NSFAS mobile wallet system or through your institution.

some of these statuses are because NSFAS has to wait for information from your university or college. Meanwhile, students are advised to continue to monitor the myNSFAS portal for updates. If your status is different from any of the ones mentioned above, you have to contact them via email, call (0800 203 900, 0860 067 327), or SMS (30916)


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