Registration for the 2024 May/June Matric Rewrite is Open

Registrations for the 2024 May/June matric examinations rewrite is now open. Matric rewriting allows students/learners to improve their results, thereby improving the amount of study opportunities they will have when applying to study at a college or university in South Africa.

Matric rewriting entails taking the complete examinations again and this should be used by learners who are dissatisfied with their current matric results. Registrations opened on 2nd October 2023 and will close on 9th February 2024.

How to Register for the 2024 Matric Rewrite

Registration for the 2024 May/June matric examinations rewrite can be done online, or manually at a provincial education district office or at an examination centre the applicant has previously used. For your registration, a copy of your ID, and your Matric certificate or statement of result is required. Once you have compiled all the necessary documents, you may visit your local district office to apply for a Matric rewrite.

The following opportunities to rewrite exist:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) supplementary exams which are usually in March
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) progressed learners (learners who wrote the NSC the previous year but did not sit for all 6 subjects) which are usually in June
  • Part-time NSC candidates (learners who attempted the NSC examinations post 2015) which are usually in November

If you need further support to make sure you’re prepared for your exams, you can apply to the Second Chance Programme provided by the Department of Basic Education. The Second Chance Programme provides various study materials and face-to-face classes to help Matric candidates with their study for the upcoming exams.

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