How to Calculate Wits University APS Score

Suppose you are a student who aspires to become a part of Wits University, In that case, you should know by now that your Admission Point Score or APS score is one of the vital information that will be used to assess your application to the University of Witwatersrand. You have to calculate your APS score beforehand to know whether your score is above the minimum score for the programme you wish to apply for.

Your APS score is calculated based on your matric results. If your score is at or above the minimum score for that particular programme, you will be given admission. Still, if it is below the minimum score, you will have to consider switching to another programme. This page will teach you how to calculate the Wits University APS score.

How to Calculate Wits APS score

Wits tabulates the points score for all subjects on the following basis:

  • English must be taken as a Home Language or 1st Additional Language.
  • Mathematics is compulsory for all numerate programmes in Engineering and the Built Environment, Commerce, Law and Management, and Science.
  • Math literacy is accepted for some degrees (see Admission Requirements (NSC)).
  • Wits do not distinguish between designated vs non-designated subjects when calculating the admission points score (APS)
  • The APS calculation is based on the best seven subjects including Life Orientation
NSC Scale of AchievementNSC%Wits APSWits APS%Wits APS for Math & EnglishWits APS Life OrientationWits APS for Other Subjects
780 – 99890 – 1008+2=1048
670 – 79780 – 897+2=937
560 – 69670 – 796+2=826
450 – 59560 – 695+2=715
340 – 49450 – 59404
230 – 39340 – 49303
10 – 29030 – 39000
00 – 29000

If you still don’t understand how to calculate your score or feel like this is too much work, I strongly recommend you use this free APS score calculator created by University


If Lethokuhle wants to calculate his APS score, and his scores in his Seven, important matric (NSC) subjects including Life Orientation are:

SubjectScoreAPS Points
English Home language849
First Additional Language655
Business Studies514
Life Orientation671

His points are added together to give 34 which is his APS score. With this score, Lethokuhle can pursue a bachelor’s degree, diploma, or certificate at this university.


See Also:

 University of Witswatersrand Admission Requirements 2024/2025

Wits Online Application 2025 – How to Apply

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